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Will Americans Need a Visa to Visit Europe?

Will Americans Need a Visa to Visit Europe?

There’s been a lot of misinformation spread about Americans soon needing a visa to visit Europe. This is simply untrue! Americans won’t need to obtain a visa to visit most of Europe.

However, starting at the end of 2022, United States passport holders will need to apply with the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) and pay a small fee before traveling to many countries in Europe.

Before US citizens start feeling singled out, registration with ETIAS won’t just apply to United States passport holders. There are currently more than 60 countries whose nationals are exempt from holding a visa when traveling to these specific European states.

The list includes passport holders from Canada, Australia, Japan, Mexico, and South Korea, among many others. Citizens from all of these visa-exempt countries will also have to obtain travel authorization with ETIAS before traveling to much of Europe.

What countries will require ETIAS authorization to enter?

ETIAS authorization will be required starting in late 2022 to visit countries in the Schengen Area. The Schengen Area is a group of 26 European states that have abolished passport and border control at their mutual borders.

Which countries and territories are in the Schengen Area?

The Schengen Area is not the same as the European Union, although EU countries are required to join (the exception is the Republic of Ireland, which negotiated an exclusion).

Currently, there are four non-EU countries that belong to Schengen, along with three micro-states that are de facto members. There are also four EU countries that are not yet part of the Schengen Area.

  • The 26 Schengen Area countries are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
  • Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Cyprus are the remaining EU members required to join Schengen. These countries have not yet passed all of the required EU preparedness assessments for their visas, air borders, personal data protection, and police cooperation.
  • Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City are the three micro-states that are de facto Schengen members.
  • The Azores and Madeira (part of Portugal), along with the Canary Islands (part of Spain) are also in the Schengen Zone although they are located outside of the continent of Europe.

Are all overseas territories and departments of Schengen countries also part of the Schengen Area?

The overseas territories and departments of Schengen countries aren’t considered part of the Schengen area. The only exceptions are the Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands.

What is and isn’t changing?

Currently, American passport holders can spend 90 days in the Schengen area countries without a visa. For stays longer than 90 days, travelers need to contact the embassy of the country in which they plan to spend the majority of their time to apply for a visa. (Other rules apply for longer stays; for further information visit the US Department of State’s page on European travel).

Beginning in late 2022, US passport holders will need to apply with and receive authorization from ETIAS before travel to the Schengen area countries. You won’t need a visa for stays of 90 days or less.

How long does ETIAS authorization last?

According to the European Commission, ETIAS authorization will be good for a period of three years, or until the expiration of the travel document used during the application. The authorization will be valid for an unlimited number of entries into the Schengen Area within that period.

Will you still need a passport with the ETIAS authorization?

Yes, a valid passport book will still be necessary to visit Europe. The US Department of State recommends that you have at least six months remaining until your passport expires when traveling to Europe.

What will Americans need to do to get ETIAS authorization?

Americans, along with citizens of the other visa-exempt countries, will be able to register with ETIAS online via a website or a mobile application. The online system does not appear to be active as of the date of this publication. However, there are many active websites that claim to be official ETIAS sites. These appear to be independent agencies and not the official ETIAS website.

The process will be much quicker and significantly less expensive than a visa application. Visas can sometimes take weeks to obtain and cost several hundred dollars.

According to the European Commission,

“An ETIAS travel authorisation does not reintroduce visa-like obligations. There is no need to go to a consulate to make an application, no biometric data is collected and significantly less information is gathered than during a visa application procedure […] (T)he online ETIAS application only takes a few minutes to fill in.”

EC press release, 5 July 2018

Filling in the application should take about 10 minutes. ETIAS will require a travel document such as a passport or its equivalent. If an individual is unable to apply due to age, literacy, or disability, a third party can fill out and submit the application.

How much will the ETIAS application cost?

The European Commission says that the cost to apply for ETIAS authorization will be €7 (about 8 USD) for applicants between the ages of 18 and 70.

How long will it take to receive authorization to enter the Schengen Area?

The EC expects that more than 95% of applicants will receive an automated approval within minutes of payment. The vast majority of those not receiving immediate approval will receive approval after manual authorization within 96 hours. All others will receive a decision via email within four weeks of applying.

For anyone not receiving authorization, there will be an appeals process available.

Why is this change happening?

As border security increases around the world, the EU and European Commission are working to put more safety measures in place.

The European Parliament passed the ETIAS regulation in July 2018, and the European Council adopted the measure in September of that year.

“We need to know who is crossing our borders […] By cross-checking visa-exempt travellers against our information systems for borders, security and migration, the ETIAS will help us identify anyone who may pose a security or migration risk before he or she even reaches the EU border […] The ETIAS will also help us to strengthen and safeguard mobility for visa-free travellers who do not pose risks, while identifying those who do.”

European Commission press release, 25 April 2018

The US has required a similar process from visitors from many foreign countries since 2009. The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is required for passport holders from 38 countries that have visa waivers in place to visit the United States. The processing fee for this program is $4, and those receiving authorization need to pay an additional $10.

How will ETIAS affect cruise travelers?

The European Commission says that both air and sea carriers will have to check for ETIAS authorization before allowing passengers to board.

Are there any European countries that currently require Americans to obtain a visa?

Many recent news articles have stated that US passport holders don’t require a visa to visit Europe. Although this is true for EU and other Schengen Area countries, there are just a few exceptions that many travelers don’t know about.

Belarus is the only European country that requires US tourists to obtain a visa for entrance, but only in certain circumstances. A visa is necessary for stays longer than 30 days if you fly into Minsk airport. If you enter or exit at border crossings other than Minsk Airport, or if you travel directly to or from the Russian Federation, a visa is necessary for all visits.

Russia and Turkey, both of which lie in Europe as well as in Asia, also require a visa before entering.

What do you think about the ETIAS program? Let me know in the comments below!

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Carrie Ann Karstunen

Archana Singh

Monday 18th of March 2019

Such a useful post with American travellers. Unfortunately, these days there is so much confusion about the real and fake news. Glad you took time to write this post. Wish my passport was as “powerful” as the US. Unfortunately, I need a visa to visit Europe even though I visit it 2-3 times a year.

Carrie Ann

Tuesday 19th of March 2019

There was definitely confusion when the inaccurate version of this news was published by some well-respected publications! I truly hope that the screening process can become more streamlined and less expensive for people who are traveling from non-visa waiver countries.

Bhushavali N

Sunday 17th of March 2019

This whole news about the ETIAS authorization for US passport holders and pretty amusing for me because, I hold an Indian passport! With mine, I have to process a visa to almost wherever I go!! Good to know that your ETIAS process is a pretty quick & cheap one when compared to actual visa processing!

Carrie Ann

Monday 18th of March 2019

The uproar in the US stemmed from the fact that several major news outlets mistakenly reported that US citizens would have to get actual visas to travel to Europe. They all later posted updates, but many people only saw the original story and not the retraction. We in the US definitely have a much easier time traveling internationally with so many countries not requiring visas for us!


Sunday 17th of March 2019

I just envy individuals with "powerful" passports. Unfortunately, I would need a visa to visit Europe. It took us a while to obtain one. I hope more countries would be open and waive the visa requirement for Filipinos.

Carrie Ann

Sunday 17th of March 2019

I hope so, too! It would be nice if more countries were able to use a system like ETIAS instead of having a visa requirement.


Saturday 16th of March 2019

I am from Europe and it's very hard for me toget visa to USA. I had no idea about getting visa for US citizens until I read this post. It's very informative and up to date as this topic is quite loud now. Thanks for sharing this info.

Carrie Ann

Saturday 16th of March 2019

Yes, there are a few European countries like yours whose citizens need visas to visit the US. Most just need to apply with ESTA. The ETIAS program I explain in the post is not an actual visa, but a screening program much like ESTA.


Friday 15th of March 2019

I have been reading about this in travel news lately. As an Indian, we almost always have to get a visa for most countries, so it's something I am used to. I can understand for other countries who have enjoyed the freedom to travel more freely; this can seem as problematic. Unfortunately, with the state of affairs in every country being chaotic, it might be the right step to take.

Carrie Ann

Friday 15th of March 2019

I agree! Those of us from visa-waiver countries aren't used to this extra step when we travel. Thankfully it looks like a quick and easy process, and will help with border security.