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Travel Blog Directory

Travel Blog Directory

Welcome to Should Be Cruising’s travel blog directory list. If you’re looking for travel tips, travel advice, or just travel inspiration, independent travel blogs are where you’ll find it.

Travel Bloggers

Magnificent Sri Lanka – Kalum and Hemi, a married couple from Sri Lanka, share their stories, tips, and experiences around their home country

Stop Having a Boring Life – Rob’s account of his life after he liquidated everything to travel the world indefinitely

The Longest Way Home –  David has been traveling the world since 2005, in search of home

Would you like to have your travel blog included in my travel blog directory?

Do you have an independent travel blog and want to be included in my travel blog directory? Email me at Please put “Travel Blog Directory Request” in the subject line, and include a short, one-sentence description of what your blog is about.

Although it’s not mandatory, a link back to Should Be Cruising is always appreciated!